Four Little Words Meme
Esther has tagged me with this meme; so here it goes:
*RESPONSIBILITY* Being accountable for your own actions without blaming others. When I think of this word I think mainly on my responsibility as a mother. It's something I feel called to be and I love being a mother. I'm responsible for raising my children as Catholics, but I'm not resposible for their ultimate outcome. Somewhere they have the responsibility to live what they've been taught.
*REALITY* Reality TV. I guess we get that from writer's striking and so the TV executives showed them and us "we don't need no stinking writers!" I never got into the island TV shows, but have enjoyed "Dog the Bounty Hunter". I think because I see Christian values being utilized in a real way. It also ends well with Dog and posse getting the "bad" guys. Plus Hawaii as the backdrop is totally OK with me!!!
*RENEWAL* Going on retreat can mean a renewal of faith, hope and charity. Being made fresh. Being brought back to a good condition. During mass we are called to renew our baptismal promises. It's refreshing.
*REFLECTION* When I think of this word I think of reflecting on my sins before confession. I also think of how we are called to be a reflection of Christ. I have a long way to go, but am fighting the good fight. Thank God He sees what is in the heart and not as others see.
I won't tag anyone, but if you want to do this meme feel free to choose your own four words and share what they mean to you:D
*RESPONSIBILITY* Being accountable for your own actions without blaming others. When I think of this word I think mainly on my responsibility as a mother. It's something I feel called to be and I love being a mother. I'm responsible for raising my children as Catholics, but I'm not resposible for their ultimate outcome. Somewhere they have the responsibility to live what they've been taught.
*REALITY* Reality TV. I guess we get that from writer's striking and so the TV executives showed them and us "we don't need no stinking writers!" I never got into the island TV shows, but have enjoyed "Dog the Bounty Hunter". I think because I see Christian values being utilized in a real way. It also ends well with Dog and posse getting the "bad" guys. Plus Hawaii as the backdrop is totally OK with me!!!
*RENEWAL* Going on retreat can mean a renewal of faith, hope and charity. Being made fresh. Being brought back to a good condition. During mass we are called to renew our baptismal promises. It's refreshing.
*REFLECTION* When I think of this word I think of reflecting on my sins before confession. I also think of how we are called to be a reflection of Christ. I have a long way to go, but am fighting the good fight. Thank God He sees what is in the heart and not as others see.
I won't tag anyone, but if you want to do this meme feel free to choose your own four words and share what they mean to you:D
At 5:00 PM ,
EC Gefroh said...
Good response Lana!!
BTW, I am currently watching Survivor. Each new season, I ask myself why. You see only the worse of a human being come out on that series :-)
At 5:02 PM ,
Home School Mom: Denise said...
Very nice Lana. I'm going to try to get to mine soon!
Now I have a lovely new blog site to add to my blog roll.
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