It's Good To Be Alive!
I pray for the grace to accept God's will for my life instead of my own. I'm so grateful to everyone who has prayed for me and my family during this time of healing. I look forward to every day in hope of being able to do whatever God has in store for me to do. I'm currently working on finishing projects already begun. I leave you with a prayer of thanksgiving:~D
I thank You for all the favors You have given me.
I give You thanks from the bottom of my heart for
having created me; for all the joys of life, and its
sorrows too; for the home You have given me; for
the loved ones with which You have surrounded me;
for the friends I have made through life.
My Lord God, I thank you for guarding me
always, and keeping me safe; I thank you for forgiving
me so often in the Sacrament o;f Reconciliation;
for offering Yourself in the Holy Mass with all of
your infinite merits to the Father for me; for coming
to me in Holy Communion in spite of the coldness
of my welcome; for your patient waiting in the
adorable Sacrament of the altar.
My Jesus, I thank you for having lived,
suffered, and died for me. I thank you for Your love.
I thank You Lord, for preparing a place for me in
heaven, where I hope to be happy with You and to
thank You for all eternity. Amen.
"In everything give thanks" 1 Thess 5:18
from "Pray! Pray! Pray!" Queenship Publishing Company
Thanks to Michael for taking such a nice picture of his Momma:~D
At 10:14 PM ,
EC Gefroh said...
So glad you are here with us Lana.
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