Kneeling at thy feet, O gracious Queen of Heaven, we offer thee our deepest reverence. Thou art the daughter of the Eternal Father, the mother of the Divine Word, and the spouse of the Holy Spirit. Full of grace, of virtue, and of heavenly gifts, thou art the chaste temple of God's mercies. Thy loving heart is filled with charity, sweetness and tender compassion for poor sinners, and we call thee Mother of Holy Pity. With the utmost trust I come to thee in my sorrow and distress. Give me confidence in thy love, and grant me what I ask--if it be God's will, and for the welfare of my soul. Cast thine eyes of pity upon me and upon all with whom I am in any way connected. Shield me from the attacks of the world, the flesh and the devil. Remember, O fondest of mothers, that I am thy child, purchased with the precious blood of thy Divine Son. Pray without ceasing that the adorable Trinity may give me the grace ever to triumph over the devil, the world, and my passions. I ask this, O most pure Virgin, through the infinite bounty of the Most High, through the merits of thy Divine Son, by the care with which thou didst nourish Him, by the devotion with which thou didst serve Him, by the love with which thou didst cherish Him, by thy tears and anguish in the days of thy pilgrimage. Obtain that the whole world may be made one people and one Church, which shall give thanks, praise and glory to the Most Holy Trinity, and to thee who art its mediator.
May the power of the Father, the wisdom of the Son and the virtue of the Holy Spirit grant us this blessing. Amen.
Pope Pius IX, March 26, 1860
At 1:30 PM ,
Anonymous said...
From one catholic woman to another I wanted to thank you for placing a link to The Preemie Project on your blog. Thank you so much! We've be receiving hits on the website and I truly cannot thank you enough for helping spread the word about the project. You're really helping us out.
I also saw that the city you live in is also my birthplace. Small world! Have a great afternoon! =0)
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