Knit and Pray

Catholic woman talks about knitting, sewing, crocheting, cross-stitching, crafting and Catholic Faith and family.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Daniel and I made it to the Fiber Fair in Marshfield and we had a good time. Don't you love the knitted banner at this booth. What a beautiful quilt that was being raffled. Daniel was quite taken by the multitude of rabbits. One got to have its luxurious fur spun right from its pelt while sitting on the spinner's lap. We got to feed sheep and saw a bit of one getting shorn, but Daniel's seen that before so we went to pet more bunnies. We saw our friends Carol and Zarah! Daniel came away with a new "friend" Mr. Carl Cheeseball. I came away with some goodies as well. When we got home Daniel was a little late for baseball practice where he accidentally got hit by the pitcher at his elbow. He'll likely have a nasty bruise tomorrow. We stopped at Krispy Kreme and had some sugar therapy;~D It's been a full and fun day.


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