This week has been about doing new things in order to break up the constant knitting on pads. At top we have some embroidery that can be done once a month to break things up. At bottom is the beginning of a scarf for The Red Scarf Project. I also wound some red Cascade 220 into balls for another scarf for them. There's also a baby blanket I've started but I want to wait til I've completed it before I share. So hard to believe we are 2/3's of the way into the month of January so far. I have a feeling this year will zoom by. I foresee a lot of knitting, embroidery and sewing along with some cross stitching and who-knows-what ahead for this particular year. It's just such a wonderful feeling to know what you work at with your hands can mean something wonderful for others.
At 3:24 PM ,
Tracy Batchelder said...
I imagine the knitted pads can become monotonous. Good idea to work on others things at the same time.
At 4:53 PM ,
Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...
What beautiful embroidery ~ I always enjoy seeing that this is still practiced and enjoyed :)
Please know how much I appreciate your words of comfort.
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