Stitch "N" Pitch 2010
Norm and I decided this would be our date night. When we got to the ballpark it was sunny but some rain clouds were in the background. We said "hi" to Carol from Simply Fibers when we came through the gate.
When we sat in our seats it wasn't long before a lady came round to say the rain was on the way. We stood for over an hour while it poured. We then decided to walk around a bit but it was obvious to me that I needed to sit, so I found a vacant beam and sat on the concrete. I knit a little, had a few nachos, took a picture of the flag from where I sat and one with some peanuts that my dear hubby was having.
When a lady from Lake of the Ozarks stopped and talked with me she said that the cute young girl with her had been planning on throwing out the first ball but they were leaving I knew the game was going to be rained out. The venders got quite a lot of business anyways.
At 8:20 the fireworks began but Norm and I decided to leave. I captured the huge double rainbow on our way to the car. Pictures don't do it justice. Thank you God for your wonderful signs of love!!!
We'll try again to watch the Springfield Cardinals play ball. Time spent with my sweetheart is time never wasted:~D
At 8:54 AM ,
Tracy Batchelder said...
There's always a silver lining. :)
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