LOVE this modern log cabin blanket!!! Thank you Kay and Ann for such a wonderful concept. The "pattern" is from "Mason Dixon Knitting" by Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne. I followed the instructions loosely(didn't really count stitches but did count ridges) using Caron Simply Soft throughout and not the Rowan Calmer. I used US6 knitting needles. Their Modern Baby Blanket measured 38"x28" and mine measures in at 52"x38". It may be the material used but I still love how it turned out and can see myself knitting up more. Not sure who will get this gem. Need to focus on Daniel's sweater and my cardigan.
At 1:50 PM ,
Michelle-ozark crafter said...
Oh that is so neat! I love the colors too! Jack and I are going to be back in springfield for a couple days the 1st and 2nd of November
At 2:45 PM ,
Elaine said...
I love the concept of the log cabin knitted blanket. Whoever thought of that was a genius! Love yours too; I, for all my enthusiasm, have only knitted one log cabin and another one is hibernating until it gets cold enough for me to want to work on it again.
Have you ever knit the baby sweater that's also in the book? I'm knitting one right now and have plans for trying a preemie baby size. We'll see how it goes!
At 6:11 AM ,
Lana said...
Thanks Michelle! Stop on by if you can either day:~)
Elaine, I love making log cabin blankets as they are good for almost mindless knitting. Just count the ridges;~) I have not knitted the baby sweater so good luck with yours. I prefer to knit preemie hat/booties and blankets. It's rare that I knit sweaters or cardigans, but since Daniel asked for one I have to oblige him.
At 6:42 AM ,
Tracy Batchelder said...
I have yet to try this pattern, though I always love the blankets I see knit from it, including yours.
At 12:02 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Lana, I need to ask a question about this blanket. I am on rectangle 3 of the blanket, but looking ahead, rect. 4 is on the wrong end. I will have to bind off and then cut the yarn off and start on the other end. Can you please help me with this?
At 12:45 PM ,
Lana said...
Tara, the only advice I can give is to tell you that I always bind off and pick up stitches as the front of the blanket faces me. I hope this helps:~)
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