Knit and Pray

Catholic woman talks about knitting, sewing, crocheting, cross-stitching, crafting and Catholic Faith and family.

Saturday, April 02, 2005


After going to 8:30 mass at Immaculate Conception Church, Daniel and I went downstairs to the Apostolate of Holy Motherhood meeting. What a wonderful thing it is to meet with other Catholic mothers and pray. A simple but profound experience. After the meeting I took Daniel home and went to do grocery shopping, but first went to a "new" shop that had opened last August called SIMPLY FIBERS LTD. at 2744 S. Campbell (phone 417-881-YARN). OOOOh, did I finally get a chance to feel some of the posh yummy yarns I've only read about!!! And some of you know what I'm talkin' about! Lushious and beautiful! I picked up some different kinds of green yarn to create a purse of my own design. While I was waiting for the owner to wind my yarns, it just so happened that I noticed someone with beautiful white hair who looked a lot like my elementary music teacher and it was!! Mrs. Bills!!!! She and her sister were looking for yarn to make a scarf. They have shows twice a year selling jewelry, beaded necklaces, glass beads, neckwires, and sterling slides. Their next show will be at the Texas Room at the University Plaza Hotel on Thursday, April 7. They were wearing some of the mercandise and it is GORGEOUS!! They are called the Glitz Girls and I may have to go look see and buy something.
Last night we stayed up late to hear news about our beloved Pope. Today when the news finally came it was with sadness that we said goodbye, but we know that Our Lady and Our Saviour was with him at the end. What an inspiration his life and passing is to the world to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. We look for mighty things to begin happening on this earth so fasten your seatbelt it's going to be a bumpy ride!!
Whenever I get too upset by all the danger and waves that suround me I have to keep my gaze on my Saviour who will help me to walk on water even though the storm is all around.
And now I'd like to close with the lyrics to IMMACULAT MARY whose immaculate heart we make reparation to as well as the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
1. Immaculate Mary, thy praises we sing,
Who reignest in splendor with Jesus, our King,

Ave, ave, ave, Maria! Ave, ave, Maria!

2. In heaven, the blessed thy glory proclaim,
On earth, we thy children invode thy fair name.

3. Thy name is our power, thy virtues our light,
Thy love is our comfort, thy pleading our might.

4. We pray for our mother, the Church upon earth,
And bless, dearest Lady, the land of our birth.

Ya'll have a blessed day!


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