Glory to you, heavenly Father, for the sickness you have sent me. My illness has humbled me and reminded me of your laws. Let me keep your word always.
Glory to you, O Lord, for delivering me from the terrors of pain and restoring me to health. You hear me in my troubles, and so I will live to declare the praises of my God.
Glory to you, O Lord God, for the lengthening of my life on this earth. Give me the grace to spend this life in your service and to perform all my resolutions with willing obedience.
When you finally decide that my time has come, let me die at peace with you, at peace with the world, and at peace with myself.
The blessings of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, descend on me and all belonging to me, and be with me in my going out and my coming in, now and forever. Amen.
At 8:25 AM ,
michelle said...
Amen and amen
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