These are what I've been and currently am working on. So far I have buttons for 34 evenly split between boy and girl buntings. Just need to make up the hats for a little over half of them. The patterns can be found at
The Preemie Project pattern pages.
The top one shows a bonnet but that's the only one I intend to do that way. There are other different buttons and ribbons as well for a little variety. The baseball buttons are my favorite for the boys and the rose buttons are my favorites for the girl buntings.
I'll be very glad when this project is finished. Then I will work on Norm's vest.
Yesterday we got the starter on the pellet stove fixed and have ordered pellets for the year. We are as ready for the cooler weather as we can be. The leaves have been so pretty to look at. It will be sad to see them all go not too long from now.
Today is
I LOVE YARN DAY. I certainly have enough of it in the stash!! Lol! It will be interesting to see what knitting will be in store for 2012. Lent is the time I usually knit the burial items but this year I'd like to do something more spiritual since I'm being a sponsor for a lady going through the RCIA(rite of Christian initiation for adults) process.
Yesterday my Grandma Josephine would have been 101 years old! I still miss her.
Hope all is well with you and yours. Can't believe it's been so long between posts! Hoping to get to a pumpkin patch soon.