I won the latest contest held by
The Preemie Project by knitting up the most pumpkin hat/bootie sets! Yea!!! I won a beautiful necklace made by lia sophia, the Alpine Necklace to be exact.
I won't be entering the next contest as I am still working on Norm's vest(the back is done and over half of the left panel) and an unexpected baby sweater and hat that needs to be finished asap. Then all other projects on the needles needs to get finished. I'm still yearning to get started on a cross stitch project too, but first things first.
Enjoyed getting some nice gentle rain yesterday even though I had to get out in it. Did some early Christmas shopping and Norm and I tried a new place that makes Korean food. The soup was good but I didn't much care for anything else though Norm ate well. God help me but I'm more of a Paula Dean kind of gal. Getting to spend time with my dear hubby is the best part of it all:~D