Invocation To The Immaculate Heart of Mary
(For private use only.)
Heart of Mary, pray for us,
Heart of Mary, like unto the Heart of Jesus, pray for us,
Heart of Mary, united to the Heart of Jesus, etc.
Heart of Mary, Instrument of the Holy Spirit,
Heart of Mary, Sanctuary of the Divinity,
Heart of Mary, Tabernacle of God Incarnate,
Heart of Mary, always exempt from sin,
Heart of Mary, always full of grace,
Heart of Mary, blessed among all hearts,
Heart of Mary, Illustrious Throne of Glory,
Heart of Mary, Abyss and Prodigy of humility,
Heart of Mary, Glorious Holocaust of Divine Love,
Heart of Mary, nailed to the cross of Jesus,
Heart of Mary, Comfort of the Afflicted,
Heart of Mary, Refuge of Sinners,
Heart of Mary, Hope of the Agonizing,
Heart of Mary, Seat of Mercy.
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let Us Pray
Almighty and eternal God, Who prepared a worthy dwelling place for the Holy Spirit in the Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, vouchsafe, we beseech Thee, to grant unto us who devoutly keep this commemoration in honor of the same most pure Heart, the grace to order our lives according to Thine own Heart. Through Christ Our Lord. R. Amen.