I went to pick up the dozen cloths my friend
Mischelle knit up last month and she surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of zinnias from her garden! I LOVE zinnias! Thank you so much Mischelle for the beautiful cloths and flowers. It was nice to be able to have our visit:~D
I stopped by Newborns In Need and bought a couple of sunglasses and talked with a volunteer a few minutes. Will be donating something next weekend, weather and health being good (I'm recovering from Wednesday's food poisoning. Enough said.)
Then it was on to
De Sales Catholic Bookstore where among other things I found the
Act of Contrition holy cards my Dear Hubby wanted.
Then it was on to
Simply Fibers where Carol had wound my Cascade 220 I bought to knit up my Christmas gift to my #1 son. Carol and I had a nice chat and I was glad I remembered to bring in my two Papipads for the Humane Society.
Then it was on to Wal Mart to pick up a few things as well as get new batteries for my Dear Hubby's watch. Who do I run into by my 5th and 6th grade teacher Mrs. Taylor!! She and one of her granddaughters were going out as I was coming in. What a nice visit! She is retired and has 7 wonderful grandchildren.
Shopping finished I head on home and realize I forgot to get Norm's watch so after a little refreshment I head out again and pick up the watch. This time I get a happy face sticker from the lovely "hat lady". She is a greeter and is such a sweet lady.
Just need to get the
round blanket steamed and then it will have it's picture taken. Right now the cotton cloths are getting my knitter attention. The comfort shawl will be next and then the log cabin blanket and then a baby surprise jacket. That's my hope anyways.
Just remember, "Man makes plans and God laughs."
Have a wonderful blessed day:~D