Tuesday, January 31, 2006
When you are the mother of three preemies it really colors your views on helping in any way others who are experiencing this very scary and difficult journey. If you can, PLEASE take the time to make even one preemie hat and send it to your local hospital. It takes almost no time to do and it does mean the world to someone who is experiencing something so NOT normal at a time when there should be nothing but joy in welcoming a new human being into the world.
And now I just want to say I love my Dear Hubby to bits. He's taking a couple of night courses at a local college. I am working on a vest he asked me to make. I need to get it done before the Knitting Olympics begin. Have you seen how many are joining?!!! Almost as many as the real athletes! I am attempting to make as many preemie hat/bootie sets as I can. Won't you join in the fun?
And now I just want to say I love my Dear Hubby to bits. He's taking a couple of night courses at a local college. I am working on a vest he asked me to make. I need to get it done before the Knitting Olympics begin. Have you seen how many are joining?!!! Almost as many as the real athletes! I am attempting to make as many preemie hat/bootie sets as I can. Won't you join in the fun?
Monday, January 30, 2006
There's a contest over at The Scottish Lamb . Jean has a gorgeous woven basket to send to someone who knits a hat/bootie set for The Preemie Project. This is not a hard thing to do and you could win a super prize. It goes through February, so why not get cracking?:D P.S. I usually use Caron Simply Soft. The two patterns I usually use are here and here. Can you rise to the challenge?:D
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Today we remember the victims of Katrina and the other hurricanes. A candle was lit, prayers said and cloths knit upon.
P.S. The collage picture has in it Cascade 220(my favorite wool yarn), Catholic Catechism (a must read for those interested in the Catholic faith;Father Corapi helped to write it and he has such a moving story of his conversion I highly recommend anything he has to write, please check out his blog site!), Coca Cola Classic (my drink of choice when I have a soda), hot cocoa in colorful cartoony cat cup, Betty Crocker Cookbook (I've had this for years and still use much), Chicago CD (ahh, memories of jr high and high school, still cool songs after all these years), and of course one of the best C words EVER chocolate! :)
P.S. The collage picture has in it Cascade 220(my favorite wool yarn), Catholic Catechism (a must read for those interested in the Catholic faith;Father Corapi helped to write it and he has such a moving story of his conversion I highly recommend anything he has to write, please check out his blog site!), Coca Cola Classic (my drink of choice when I have a soda), hot cocoa in colorful cartoony cat cup, Betty Crocker Cookbook (I've had this for years and still use much), Chicago CD (ahh, memories of jr high and high school, still cool songs after all these years), and of course one of the best C words EVER chocolate! :)
As I "C" things the letter C takes on a rather large importance in my life as a Catholic woman in this century. This post is my humble effort to share some of the things of C that mean a lot to me. Some things not pictured are my crochet afgan, my son playing the cello, an immaculately clean house, or me cuddling with my baby boy, but I will share a favorite recipe I hope you enjoy:
2 Tbsp. butter
1 c. chopped celery
1/4 c. chopped onion
2 cans cream of chicken soup
2/3 c chicken broth
4 c. cooked chicken, diced
4 Tbsp. soy sauce
3 c. cooked rice
1 c. chow mein noodles
1 c. cashew nuts
Preheat oven to 375* F. Saute celery and onion in butter until tender. Stir in soup and chicken broth. Simmer 5 minutes. Add chicken and soy sauce. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Stir in rice. Spoon into a 9x13 inch baking pan. Bake 15 to 20 minutes. Sprinkle with noodles and nuts. Brown in oven. Serves 6.
I hope you like my collection of C!
C you later!
2 Tbsp. butter
1 c. chopped celery
1/4 c. chopped onion
2 cans cream of chicken soup
2/3 c chicken broth
4 c. cooked chicken, diced
4 Tbsp. soy sauce
3 c. cooked rice
1 c. chow mein noodles
1 c. cashew nuts
Preheat oven to 375* F. Saute celery and onion in butter until tender. Stir in soup and chicken broth. Simmer 5 minutes. Add chicken and soy sauce. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Stir in rice. Spoon into a 9x13 inch baking pan. Bake 15 to 20 minutes. Sprinkle with noodles and nuts. Brown in oven. Serves 6.
I hope you like my collection of C!
C you later!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Here is yet another pretty button to add to the collection. I think this is such a cool concept. Not really a KAL but a neat concept. Why not check it out? :D
Friday, January 20, 2006
The Caveman had this meme on his Jan 18 post and so I thought I'd participate. Here it goes!
Four Jobs I've Had In My Life
1. Librarian Assistant
2. Cashier At K-Mart
3. Nanny (7 years)
4. Electical Connector parts inspector (8 years)
Four Movies I Could Watch Over And Over
1. The Quiet Man
2. Young Frankenstein
3. Funny Farm
4. The Princess Bride
Four Places I Have Lived
1. Ash Grove, MO
2. Springfield, MO : cousin's house
3. Springfield, MO : employer's house(s)
4. Springfield, MO : own home
Four TV Shows I Love To Watch
1. Days of Our Lives
2. Emeril Live
3. Project Runway
4. Father Corapi
Four Places I Have Been On Vacation
1. Disney World, Florida
2. Steamboat Springs, Colorado
3. Driving from Los Angeles along the coast to San Fransisco
4. Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas
Four Websites I Visit Daily
1. Wendy Knits
2. Wool Windings
3. Happy Catholic
4. Countless other blogs in my blogroll (go check them out!)
Four Favorite Foods
1. Crab Salad At Ryan's
2. Fried Chicken
3. Pizza (thin crust)
4. Veggie Omeletts
Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now
1. Shrine of the Child Jesus in Huntsville, Alabama
2. Rome
3. Sanibel Island
4. Back in college
Ok now YOU are IT!
Four Jobs I've Had In My Life
1. Librarian Assistant
2. Cashier At K-Mart
3. Nanny (7 years)
4. Electical Connector parts inspector (8 years)
Four Movies I Could Watch Over And Over
1. The Quiet Man
2. Young Frankenstein
3. Funny Farm
4. The Princess Bride
Four Places I Have Lived
1. Ash Grove, MO
2. Springfield, MO : cousin's house
3. Springfield, MO : employer's house(s)
4. Springfield, MO : own home
Four TV Shows I Love To Watch
1. Days of Our Lives
2. Emeril Live
3. Project Runway
4. Father Corapi
Four Places I Have Been On Vacation
1. Disney World, Florida
2. Steamboat Springs, Colorado
3. Driving from Los Angeles along the coast to San Fransisco
4. Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas
Four Websites I Visit Daily
1. Wendy Knits
2. Wool Windings
3. Happy Catholic
4. Countless other blogs in my blogroll (go check them out!)
Four Favorite Foods
1. Crab Salad At Ryan's
2. Fried Chicken
3. Pizza (thin crust)
4. Veggie Omeletts
Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now
1. Shrine of the Child Jesus in Huntsville, Alabama
2. Rome
3. Sanibel Island
4. Back in college
Ok now YOU are IT!
Must be quick as Michael and I have a date with his dad for lunch. My littlest boy is so happy most of the time and is such a joy to be with. All my boys are such blessings and Norm and I are so grateful for them! They teach us so much about life. The other B I was thinking of using was BIBLE or BEATITUDES. There are a lot of fun B words out there but right now my favorite is BOYS:D Have a BLESSED day!!! Be good:D
Friday, January 13, 2006
Oooohhhhh! The flu is NO picnic! Michael and I needed Norms help yesterday as I could not function. Today we are on the mend but still pretty sore. Thank goodness #1 and #2 sons are out of school and can definitly help. Needless to say no knitting done. Will update when something to write about. Take care all! God Bless!!!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
St. Francis de Sales when asked how he prayed, replied: "I cannot say it too often--I receive gracefully whatever the Lord sends me. If He consoles me, I kiss the right hand of his mercy; if I am dry and destracted, I kiss the left hand of His justice." This method is the only good one, for as the same Saint says; "He who truly loves prayer, loves it for the love of God; and he who loves it for the love of God, wishes to experience in it naught but what God is pleased to send him." Now, whatever you may experience in prayer, is precisely what God wills.
God requires efforts on our part, but not success.
"We are obliged not only to bear with the failings of our neighbor, but likewise with our own and to be patient at the sight of our imperfections." We must try to correct ourselves, but we should do it tranquilly and without anxiety. We cannot become angels before the proper time.
2 Corinthians 12:9
And he said to me: My grace is sufficient for thee: for power is made perfect in infirmity. Gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
God requires efforts on our part, but not success.
"We are obliged not only to bear with the failings of our neighbor, but likewise with our own and to be patient at the sight of our imperfections." We must try to correct ourselves, but we should do it tranquilly and without anxiety. We cannot become angels before the proper time.
2 Corinthians 12:9
And he said to me: My grace is sufficient for thee: for power is made perfect in infirmity. Gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Not much to post since Dear Hubby and #2 &3 boys have the flu. Earlier this week I finished two white preemie hats and 8 sets of matching booties and a wool hat for #1 son. Finished two preemie hat/bootie sets on Sunday in a knitathon for one of my Yahoo groups. Took #1 son to help serve at 8 am Mass. Hope we don't all get this thing. Hubby is itching too. Just misserable! It's so hard to see your loved ones suffer! But marriage is a sacriment and we stick it out no matter what! Here's to praying my guys get well soon!
Sunday, January 01, 2006
This is the first installment of the ABC ALONG. First of all I love things Americana. Red, white and blue is a favorite color combo. Especially in this time of war and great weather related tragedy in this country I treasure our country and what she stands for. These past few months we've witnessed along with tragedy a great deal of altruism from our fellow Americans. America's angels of mercy if you will. Which brings me to angels.
Our family has had angelic intervention to be sure! Our second son was diagnosed with metopic craniosynistosis at 5 months of age. That means that two of his scull plates fused together too soon. He was sceduled for surgery in St. Louis which would entail approximately 8 hours of surgery, removal of part of his scull and replaced with a metal plate, which would require more surgeries in the future, a large ugly scar as well. In the meanwhile a friend of the family saw in a medical flier she got in the mail a one inch blurb about a man and wife team (Dr. David F. Jimenez and Dr. Constance M. Barone) in Columbia, MO, who developed an improved method of dealing with craniosynistosis. We contacted them and since he was 10 weeks preemie they agreed to see him since he was almost too old for the proceedure, got it ok'd with our insurance, the surgery lasted 30 minutes with about an inch and a half scar and he wore about four different helmets to help mold his head as he grew. No more surgeries necessary. Praise God!!!
The angels pictured are from left to right: a gift from Patty H. who I used to work with, she's a really sweet and thoughtful person who likes to hunt and fish. She has a heart of gold! Miss you Patty! In the middle is a beauty I picked out at some craft show around the area a few years ago. Then we have a beauty gifted to me by my #1 son this Christmas. Not pictured is a sweet red, white and blue guardian angel tack pin gifted to me by #2 son. #3 son is named after St. Michael the archangel. Here is his prayer:
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle! Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into Hell, Satan, and all the other evil spirits who roam about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Our family has had angelic intervention to be sure! Our second son was diagnosed with metopic craniosynistosis at 5 months of age. That means that two of his scull plates fused together too soon. He was sceduled for surgery in St. Louis which would entail approximately 8 hours of surgery, removal of part of his scull and replaced with a metal plate, which would require more surgeries in the future, a large ugly scar as well. In the meanwhile a friend of the family saw in a medical flier she got in the mail a one inch blurb about a man and wife team (Dr. David F. Jimenez and Dr. Constance M. Barone) in Columbia, MO, who developed an improved method of dealing with craniosynistosis. We contacted them and since he was 10 weeks preemie they agreed to see him since he was almost too old for the proceedure, got it ok'd with our insurance, the surgery lasted 30 minutes with about an inch and a half scar and he wore about four different helmets to help mold his head as he grew. No more surgeries necessary. Praise God!!!
The angels pictured are from left to right: a gift from Patty H. who I used to work with, she's a really sweet and thoughtful person who likes to hunt and fish. She has a heart of gold! Miss you Patty! In the middle is a beauty I picked out at some craft show around the area a few years ago. Then we have a beauty gifted to me by my #1 son this Christmas. Not pictured is a sweet red, white and blue guardian angel tack pin gifted to me by #2 son. #3 son is named after St. Michael the archangel. Here is his prayer:
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle! Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into Hell, Satan, and all the other evil spirits who roam about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.