Thursday, May 31, 2007
The call has been sounded for preemie christening gowns. It appears that we in The Preemie Project need to make up our own patterns for such specialized items. If you know of any knitted christening gown patterns or are willing to try your hand at a pattern please send them my way so I can let others in the group know. I made my son's christening gown from McCall's Needlework & Crafts April 1988 issue. It turned out great though I know where I goofed. Still it's from my heart and I hope (my boys) will want to use it for any children they may have. ( I may try to alter the pattern to fit a preemie, but it's June and that means it's SEW TIME!)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
This morning is the beginning of the Friends of the Library book sale at Remmington's. Michael and I stopped by this morning and look at what I found! All three books for $15 since they were in the "Better Books" section. There were so many books that we just couldn't look at them all and Michael was tired of sitting in the stroller, so before too much dammage was done to the pocket book we came on home. There were other strollers and people carrying boxes and one woman even came with a shopping cart!! There were audio books, videos, dvd's, coffee table books ($6), hardback, paperback, old and new as well. If you get the chance I highly recommend you check out your local library's book sales. You never know what you'll find!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Just popped in to say that Tylenol Cough and Sore Throat is my friend right now. Yesterday I was so bad that I stayed home from sons second ball game. Totally was wiped out. This morning was better, but still am on the mend. Went through the stash and KNOW that if I didn't buy any yarn for at least 2 years, I'd have more than enough to keep me busy. We have a mouse in the house who popped the trap we set twice. Three times should be the charm. Oh, how I hate mice! We get them every now and then, but usually manage to catch them. Found some 7" squares and did a single crochet around the edges and made them into 8" squares:~D Got my Creative Knitting magazine yesterday and see a couple of really cute sweaters I'd like to knit eventually. As you can see from the picture I have many books and magazines that have things I'd love to eventually make. Need to work on getting one thing done at a time! The fiber buffet is so enticing and it's so hard to say no or not now, but as a practicality it must be done! My dear hubby would be saying a big AMEN to that!!!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Hi everyone hope you had a wonderful weekend. Saturday I overdid and Sunday morning found me dizzy and nauseous. Lovely. My guys took good care of me and I'm feeling much better.
So glad that Laura has loosened the requirement for the Squares for Greensburg as there are a couple that turned out much bigger than the requested 8"! Sending them on anyway. I finished the blue basket weave blanket which is 34"x30". I'm hoping to finish the white blanket by the first of next week and then some preemie hats/booties before the end of May. That's my hope anyway:~D
Friday, May 18, 2007
The Novena to the Holy Spirit begins today.
Am sending off the 40 items (3 store bought items, 37 hand knit by me) to The Dulaan Project.
Got a great deal at Hobby Lobby on a cross stitch table cloth (50"x70" oblong,Roses and Lace is the pattern) that I will be working on for the daughter of our second son's godparents. The wedding isn't scheduled until May 24 of next year, so maybe I'll get it done!
I've been working on some squares for the Greensburg Project but mainly the blue basket weave blanket for The Preemie Project. I have to say that I will be glad when this month is over so I can get into some sewing. I need a break from knitting I think! Shocking I know but hey spring is in the air and there are so many wonderful and fun things to do. A person has to shake things up a bit so as not to get in too much of a rut!
Will be taking at least one boy to see the newest Shrek movie tonight. I have to say that I'm waiting for next weekend and the Pirate movie!! I don't get too excited much by what movie fare they've had lately, but the other two movies were such rollicking fun that this one gets me pretty excited!
Hope you all have a fun weekend:~D
Monday, May 14, 2007
At the top is the last hat for Dulaan this year. I will focus on more squares for Greensburg for the time being. I'll likely get the Dulaan box ready to go this week.
Next photo are the two non-fibery items from Simply Fibers. "Mother & Baby" from Rowan Classic (Bonbon was speaking loudly to me! Check out the one Dani did!) and Fiber Trends Leaf Lace Shawl pattern. They just called to me and I can hardly wait to get started on many things! The first two squares for Greensburg are beneath them. I hope to get several done in the next couple of weeks.
A carnation was handed to all women after Mass on Sunday:~D
My sweet Daniel made this gift for me at school and took this picture. Oh, I'm so blessed to have my boys!! Eric made a card in school too with a quote from Walt Whitman (1855) "I say there is nothing greater than the mother of men." "And you're the greatest of them all. Happy Mother's Day!"~Eric Johnson. What a treasure! My littlest was full of hugs and kisses and both of the older boys made scrambled eggs and toast after Mass. They even cleaned up afterwards:~D
For today and the next two I'll be saying some litanies recommended for the lesser rogation days. It's a private devotion that was inspired by St. Mammertus. If you would like to pray these litanies to remedy the neglect of religious which bring down many chastisements, here are the links.
All Saints*a particular favorite of mine.
Most Holy Name of Jesus
Sacred Heart
Saint Joseph
Then if you are moved to do so check out the Bible verses here that go along with rogation days. You won't be sorry!
All Saints*a particular favorite of mine.
Most Holy Name of Jesus
Sacred Heart
Saint Joseph
Then if you are moved to do so check out the Bible verses here that go along with rogation days. You won't be sorry!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Seminarian Matthew has been good enough to send me my saint for this years' devotion. It is St. Mammertus Archbishop of Vienne. I'm so excited to finally have "met" this saint! Just in time to observe the lesser Rogation Days! This saint is reknown for his sanctity, learning and miracles. Today is his feast day:~D
We are getting the road in front of the house resurfaced. It's very interesting to see the steps involved. Of course it's a real treat for the boys.
We are also introducing The Potty Book to Michael. He thinks it's funny and is still going off to do his business elsewhere. Perhaps this will be the summer of the POTTY?!
I finished an adult sized roll top hat and a child size hat.
I am beginning an 8" square in a lovely shade of green. I hope to get a few of them made.
Visited with Carol this morning and got a couple of things unfibery. Show them later.
Next week I hope to get the blue and the white blankets taken care of. Maybe work on another child cap and 8" square. In June I want to focus mainly on my sewing projects that have been sorely neglected and work on my blue sweater when it's more expedient to knit a while.
Have a safe weekend everyone!

We are also introducing The Potty Book to Michael. He thinks it's funny and is still going off to do his business elsewhere. Perhaps this will be the summer of the POTTY?!
I finished an adult sized roll top hat and a child size hat.
I am beginning an 8" square in a lovely shade of green. I hope to get a few of them made.
Visited with Carol this morning and got a couple of things unfibery. Show them later.
Next week I hope to get the blue and the white blankets taken care of. Maybe work on another child cap and 8" square. In June I want to focus mainly on my sewing projects that have been sorely neglected and work on my blue sweater when it's more expedient to knit a while.
Have a safe weekend everyone!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Laura is asking for some 8" squares to help in making an afghan for a family who lost everything in the tornados that destroyed the town of Greensburg, Kansas on May 4 of this year. If you can help please visit her at her blog and get all the info.
I grew up in a small town and people can really do wonderful things when EVERYONE does what they can do. Like Stan Lee said in Spiderman 3, "One person CAN make a difference." Many people can make an even greater difference:~D
I grew up in a small town and people can really do wonderful things when EVERYONE does what they can do. Like Stan Lee said in Spiderman 3, "One person CAN make a difference." Many people can make an even greater difference:~D
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Monday, May 07, 2007
Esther tagged me for a movie meme so here it goes:
*Go to and look up 10 of your favorite movies.
*Post five (5) official IMOB "Plot Keywords" for these 10 movies
*Have your friends guess the movie titles.
*Tag three people* I'm not one to tag anyone. If you want to play just leave a comment so we can go see which movies you picked:~D
1. Cat/Mentor/555 Phone Number/Parallel World/No Opening Credits
2. Anachronistic/British Film/No Ending/British/Severed Leg
3. Kiss/Cigarette Smoking/Deception/San Francisco California/Statuette
4. Rain/Fedora/Fantasy Sequence/Pie In The Face/Umbrella
5. Cruelty/Enigma/Betrayal/Atmospheric/Deception
6. Appointment/Woman/Sleep Deprevation/Monument/Band
7. Old Man/Stabbed In The Chest/Forest/Story In Story/Parmacist
8. Expatiate/British Expatriate/Canadian Expatriate/Mission/Boat
9. Death Ray/Social Commentary/Red Scare/Hope/Young Boy
10. One Armed Man/Blind Man/Abandoned Laboratory/Grave Digging/Little Girl
1. The Matrix
2. Monty Python And The Holy Grail
3. The Maltese Falcon
4. Singin' In the Rain
5. Rebecca
6. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington
7. The Princess Bride
8. The African Queen
9. The Day The Earth Stood Still
10. Young Frankenstein
*Go to and look up 10 of your favorite movies.
*Post five (5) official IMOB "Plot Keywords" for these 10 movies
*Have your friends guess the movie titles.
*Tag three people* I'm not one to tag anyone. If you want to play just leave a comment so we can go see which movies you picked:~D
1. Cat/Mentor/555 Phone Number/Parallel World/No Opening Credits
2. Anachronistic/British Film/No Ending/British/Severed Leg
3. Kiss/Cigarette Smoking/Deception/San Francisco California/Statuette
4. Rain/Fedora/Fantasy Sequence/Pie In The Face/Umbrella
5. Cruelty/Enigma/Betrayal/Atmospheric/Deception
6. Appointment/Woman/Sleep Deprevation/Monument/Band
7. Old Man/Stabbed In The Chest/Forest/Story In Story/Parmacist
8. Expatiate/British Expatriate/Canadian Expatriate/Mission/Boat
9. Death Ray/Social Commentary/Red Scare/Hope/Young Boy
10. One Armed Man/Blind Man/Abandoned Laboratory/Grave Digging/Little Girl
1. The Matrix
2. Monty Python And The Holy Grail
3. The Maltese Falcon
4. Singin' In the Rain
5. Rebecca
6. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington
7. The Princess Bride
8. The African Queen
9. The Day The Earth Stood Still
10. Young Frankenstein
Saturday, May 05, 2007
To win an iPod click here and to win a cool book click here. There are 3 contests so far so go check it out at 5 Minutes For Mom.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Here is a site recommended by a devout Catholic woman. May it bless you!
Deliver us, O Lord, for we know not what we do. Catholic Caveman has some questions you might ask yourself before you claim to be a Roman Catholic, or if you want to end a certain discussion. Caveman, YOU ROCK!!!