Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Poor #1 son began having a fever, chills and body aches Monday evening. He was up most of the night moaning and groaning. Around 2am he took a shower and after 5 minutes of listening to him groaning I told him to get out. He didn't go to school for two days and today he is making the attempt.
Michael has his days and nights mixed up and so as I write this I hope I make a little sense. I'd love to get a nap in but I'm doing the bed laundry and really am hoping to get a decent nights rest tonight (for a change).
I really appreciate all your prayers!!! Here's a nice
Glory to you, heavenly Father, for the sickness you have sent me. My illness has humbled me and reminded me of your laws. Let me keep your word always.
Glory to you, O Lord, for delivering me from the terrors of pain and restoring me to health. You hear me in my troubles, and so I will live to declare the praises of my God.
Glory to you, O Lord God, for the lengthening of my life on this earth. Give me the grace to spend this life in your service and to perform all my resolutions with willing obedience.
When you finally decide that my time has come, let me die at peace with you, at peace with the world, and at peace with myself.
The blessings of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, descend on me and all belonging to me, and be with me in my going out and my coming in, now and forever. Amen.
Have a fine weekend everyone:~D
Monday, April 21, 2008
Wanted to share pictures of the dogwood flowers from in front of our house and the daisies which have lasted the longest from the banquet I was not able to attend. What a wonderful gift flowers are.
Thanks again for your prayers. You all are in my prayers as well.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I found some nice ideas for the fingertip towels in the "555 Little Sayings In Cross Stitch" by Marie Barber. I'd bought this book at one of the Greene County Library book sales a while back. I've had the towels for years as well, but just hadn't found anything I really liked to work on them. So, here are a couple that are completed. I have three more to do and am happy to say I have the thread I need as well.
Daniel has been sick with fever, sore throat and a rash. He started feeling bad on Friday and today has been acting and looking better. I believe he'll be able to go back to school tomorrow.
I'm feeling a bit run down as Michael has been waking up either at midnight or 2am and yelling for "Mommy!" It's great to feel needed and wanted, but kid will you give this Mom a break and sleep through the night? PLease?!
Peace out!
Monday, April 14, 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Now I feel like doing what Gweneviere is doing. Michael had a rough night and didn't get to sleep until around 2am. So, yes I got some knitting done while he was up with the sniffles, but now a cat nap sounds really good.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I needed a little bit of instant gratification, but now I'm back to Norm's pullover. It won't take too much longer to finish up. By then I may be working on something completely different like cross stitch. Got any good ideas on "thank yous" for teachers and godparents?
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
I continue to work on Norm's pullover and am at the first Decrease Round.
Michael thought he'd take my picture today as I take plenty of him. "Say cheeseball!" (See the smile in his eyes:~D)
Lord God, the giver of life, at whose command all creation was given birth, teach us to reverence life and sanctify it. Let us rejoice that every human life is sacred, whether it belongs to those close at hand or those who live far away, whether it belongs to an unborn infant or one who is terminally ill. Remind us that each individual has been redeemed by your Son, Jesus Christ; let us celebrate the existence of each and every person and preserve all life from harm or degradation. Amen.
Friday, April 04, 2008
It really is a lovely tablecloth, even with all the beige. The instructions were WAY OFF as to how much thread was needed. I have 5 skeins of beige left over. Visually it's not quite spring here. I have my sweet husband's Cobblestone Pullover to finish. Yeah, it's beige, but it's knitting:~D Also, since it's been all rainy and cloudy lately we haven't been able to do any gardening either. Well, they don't talk about April showers for nothing. Perhaps we'll have a bit of sunshine for a couple of days(?).
Anyways, just wanted to share my joy at finishing this most ambitious gift. I'll probably put in a small statue of the Holy Family and a note to let her know it's to be used and not just put away. Life is just too short not to celebrate family.
O Lord, remember my friends, all who have prayed for me and all who have done good for me.
Return this good to them, as well as all of their kindnesses, a hundredfold. Reward them with your blessings and sanctify them with your grace.
Let all my family and relatives, my neighbors and friends, receive the benefit of the prayers I have said for them. May they also receive the unstinting support of your divine providence and the sanctification of your Holy Spirit. Amen.